Cat Breeds That Will Cost You A Small Fortune

Nearly everyone on Earth finds kittens cute. They’re ridiculously adorable and can take away all our worries and pains with just one squidgy hug. But for a vast majority, the age-old debate continues to abate. Cats or dogs?

Still, whether you’re an ardent dog lover, a zealous cat enthusiast or a hater of both, chances are you’ll be bowled over by the prices of these breeds.

Here are cat breeds that will cost you a small fortune.

19. Ocicat – Average Price: $800


Starting things off on the list is the Ocicat. Endearingly cute, their pointy ears and gooey eyes could make the hardest of men turn soft. What makes these cats so appealing is also their wild-like looks, with their fur not being too dissimilar to that of a lion although the breed has no wild DNA in its gene pool.

18. British Shorthair Cat – Average Price: $1,100

British Shorthair Cat

British Shorthair Cats are shall we say….rounder than most. But in the cat world, fat often translates into one thing: cuteness. Because of its photogenic qualities and friendly nature, the British Shorthair- which is the pedigreed version of the domestic cat- is frequently used in the media, and was also the influence of John Tenniel’s illustration of the Cheshire Cat in Alice and Wonderland.

17. American Curl – Average Price: $1,200

American Curl

Characterised by its delicate ears, fluffy coat and round eyes, the American curl is known as the Peter Pan of the cat world due to its kitten-like personality never fading.

16. Egyptian Mau – Average Price: $800

Egyptian Mau

Unlike most other spotted cats on this list, the Egyptian Mau breed’s coat is natural and not the result of selective breeding. Interestingly, the Mau is also the world’s fastest cat breed.

15. Ragdoll – Average Price: $1100


Fluffy and muscular and with an elongated body, the Ragdoll, with gleaming blue eyes, is as prepossessing as it is expensive.

14. The Bengal – Average Price: $3000-$5000


The Bengal get its name from sharing a similar coat to Bengal tigers, and the breed is created specifically for that purpose.

13. Selkirk Rex – Average Price: $800

Selkirk Rex

Distinguished by their mop-like coat and beady eyes, Selkirk Rex cats are native to Montanna and are found in cool climates.

12. American Wirehair – Average Price: $1200

American Wirehair

Known for being the punks of the cat world, the unique breed tends to mature later than most, meaning the kind usually acts like a kitten for over 4 years.

Moreover, at $1,200, the American Wirehair, out of all 41 breeds, is the rarest cat in the world according to the Cat Fanciers’ Association Breed. In fact, only 22 are registered, with most being found in Upstate New York.

11. American Shorthair – Average Price: $900

American Shorthair

Slightly more expensive than the previous six breeds, the American Shorthair is a European cat found in many homes across America after early settlers used the cat to kill off mice and rats from their cargo.

10. Siamese – Average Price: $800


The Siamese cat is Asia’s premier breed and was one of the first foreign breeds to be purchased by American and Europeans. Siamese cats, despite a proliferation in their breeding, are still highly expensive, however, mainly because of their playful and social characteristics, which often lasts well into adulthood.

9. Siberian cat – Average Price: $800


Siberian cats, while originating in the wintery landscapes have long been bred in most parts of the Western world yet continue to hold a special place in the hearts of many people, seen through various paintings and writings.

8. Norwegian Forest Cat – Average Price: $800

Norwegian Forest Cat

Scandanavians have swag, and it appears this Norweigan Forest cat is no different. Priced upwards of $800, these lithe moving fluffballs are all the rage in certain parts of the world but are ubiquitous in colder climates due to their woolly undercoats and water-shedding hairs.

7. The Sphynx – Average Price: $1200

The Sphynx

While you may be thinking how unattractive The Sphynx is, it’s a hot commodity in many areas of the world and because of their more dog-like qualities.The chiselled feline, which is characterised by its lack of hair, can easily go for over $1,200.

6. Scottish Fold Cats – Average Price: $1500

Scottish Fold Cats

Similar to the British Shorthair in its appearance. Scottish Fold cats are known for their Owl-like appearances due to a dominant gene mutation forcing their ears to bend at the head.

5. The Peterbald – Average Price: $2500

The Peterbald

While it may look like the Sphynx, the humorously named ‘Peterbald’ breed is a cross between the Donskoy and Oriental Shorthair and, like with the Donskoy, is one of only two genetically hairless felines.

4. Persian – Average Price: $3000


The Persian cat is a popular choice among ardent (and wealthy) cat lovers, and after many rounds of selective breeding, most variants of the breed -or at least the modern ones- tend to have flattened faces. Despite its price, the Persian is the second most popular breed of cat in America.

3. Korat – Average Price: $800


Native to Thailand, these tall and slender cats are laden in a beautiful ash-coloured coat and are noted for their heart-shaped heads. The breed is also incredibly intelligent and enjoys the company of humans while the breed’s name, ‘Korat’ is known colloquially as ‘good luck cat.’ Because of this age-old belief, many Korat breeds are given to friends and family as a good-luck gift.

2. The Savannah – Average Price: $25,000

The Savannah

While most cat breeds are expensive, the Savannah can only be attained by a select few- most of whom probably have millions at their disposal.

The hybrid breed was conceived when Bengal breeder Jude Frank managed to successfully get a Bengal and Siamese cat to reproduce in 1986. The Savannah is also known for its dog-like behaviours and can strike up a bond with its owner that will see it following its owner wherever it goes providing human socialisation in their infancy is successful.

1. The Ashera – Average Price: $125,000

The Ashera

While DNA tests have suggested that these cats are merely Savannah cats, the Ashera- while similar- is a hybrid from a plethora of cats, including domestic housecat, the Asian leopard cat, and the African serval.

The Lifestyle Pets Company discovered the hybrid formula, yet the company breeds only five Asheras each year, meaning demand far outstrips supply. But not all are priced at $125,000- only the ones with a coat pattern similar to a Snow Leopard are. As ludicrous as it sounds, the ‘cheaper’ ones are sold for as little as $22,000, though the average price tends to settle around the $28,000 mark.